A Yorkshire Terrier
Dog carries the Gene Formula (asBCDEGmrSt). This color is recessive
in nature and will re-produce itself Only when bred to a dog that
is the same color provided the other alleles remain the same or to a Silver
and Tan colored dog. As the name implies the Yorkshire Terrier comes in
this color. The saddle pattern (as) gene is specific and is dominant to
(at) black and tan. If the (as) saddle back gene is changed to an (ay)
tan or (ayat) sable gene with the same other alleles as the Yorkie blue
color the dog will be Mustard. If the (as) saddle
back gene is changed to an (at) black and tan gene with the rest of the
alleles remaining the same the dog will be Pepper.
If the (as) saddle back gene is changed to an (A) black gene with the rest
of the alleles remaining the same the dog will be Kerry