Pure White carries
the Gene Formula (A/ay/at/BCDEgmrswt) or (ayBcchDE/egmrSt). In the first
formula this color is recessive and will re-produce itself Only
when bred to a dog that is the same color or if the dog is also carrying
the gene (sw) recessively. The white (sw) gene when in double dose will
almost exclusively produce a pure white dog. Color can be present on the
head and or base of the tail and still be pure white genetically.When other
white genes are carried along with the white (sw) gene a dog may have varying
degrees of color spots and or a blanket of color. The White (sw) gene can
completely hide what color the dog really is underneath. It may be Black,
Tan, Sable, Clear Red, Lemon or Brindle. If the dog has a slate or gray
nose the color underneath would be Blue. If the dog has a brown or chocolate
nose the color underneath would be chocolate.
The formula (ayEcch) can be seen in the Great Pyrenees. They are born
dark and turn white as they mature.
The formula (ayecch) seen in some breeds will typically show a yellow
or creme color running down their back and sometimes on the head around
the ears. Certain breeds will express color on there heads only with
an otherwise pure white body. The Toy Fox Terrier is one of them. Refer
to White Chart for more information
on white patterns.