A Silver Fawn Dog
the Gene Formula (ayBcchDEmgmrSt). This color is recessive in nature and
will re-produce itself Only when bred to a dog that is the same
color or to one that carries the restrictive color (Cch) gene. The color
is tan and is affected by the (Em) mask gene that extends black down the
back of the dog. The (Cch) gene on top of this gives it a hazy appearance.
Generally the tones of the dog are yellowish in nature. Although this is
called "Silver" Fawn it does not have the (G) graying gene present as in
the Silver colored dogs and should not be confused.
If this dog also has white on the coat it means that the (S) gene would
be replaced with one of these White producing gene patterns, (si, or sp)
in any combination. For more info see White