Sable and White (ayatBCDEgmrsi/spt)
This color has the same formula as the Sable dog with the exception of
carrying a different gene that produces varying amounts of white. If your
dog is Sable and White the (S) gene would be replaced with one of these
White producing gene patterns, (si, or sp) in any combination. For more
info see White Chart.
This color is dominant in nature to the color Black and Tan, and
recessive to the color Tan or Black. This color is a combination
of the genes (ay) tan and (at) black and tan together. In order to produce
a Sable dog a Black and Tan dog must be bred to a Tan dog. The Black and
Tan color carries the (at) gene essential for producing the color Sable
and the Tan dog carries the (ay) gene also essential for producing the
color Sable.
If you breed a sable dog to a sable dog you will produce some sable
pups, some black and tan pups and some tan pups.
This color varies in shade from a light to rich reddish tan color and
usually has dark or black hairs intermingled within those tan hairs, called
sabling. It is typically most apparent on the head and down the back and
may or may not completely disappear as the dog reaches maturity.