Weimaraner Gray/Pearl Explained
  A Weimaraner Gray/Pearl Dog carries the Gene Formula (AbCdEgmrSt). This color is recessive and will re-produce itself  when bred to a dog that is the same color. If the base color is (at) black and tan the dog will also have tan points. If the (A) or (at) gene is changed to an (ay) tan gene the dog will be Chocolate Apricot
The Weimaraner Gray color is sometimes called Silver but is not the same in genetic formula and will not reproduce in the same way. In some breeds it is also called Pearl. It appears as a grayish chocolate color and can lean towards the chocolate side or the gray side in tones. It can sometimes appear lavender or mauve in color. The nose is usually chocolate in color, never black and may take on the color of the coat. It varies in shade from light to darker. 
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