Apricot Explained
An Apricot Dog carries the Gene Formula (ABCDeGmrSt) and will appear similar in color to the one shown above. The color Apricot will only breed true or re-produce offspring of the same color when bred to the exact same gene formula. This color is recessive in nature and needs to have a double dose of the (G) graying gene along with the (e) which restricts black pigment from forming to be a true Apricot color. The apricot color sometimes has the addition of the blue dilute (d) gene in addition to the others. With this addition the color is generally more pale and the nose will match the coat color. 

Note: There are other formulas that will produce the same appearance of Apricot but are not the same genetic formula and will not re-produce as true Apricot. These colors are Tan Apricot (ayBCdEgmrSt), Red Tan (ayBCDEgmrSt), Lemon (ABCDegmrSt) in the deeper shades, Blue Fawn in some instances, (ayatBCdEgmrSt), and some Sables (ayatBCDEgmrSt).
                                                                    MATING RESULTS

Color Index